Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Law essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Law - Essay Example In many countries there are restricted areas where patent laws are applicable and these include such areas as methods of businesses and also act of mentality. The patent rights prevent other entities from selling, using, making or distribution of the invention without the patentee permission (Lehman, 1995). Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights of the World Trade Organization is applicable to all members of the organization as far as any inventions are considered especially as far as technology is concerned. The protection term has been to be more than twenty years by the organization (Steinberg, 2005). A patent excludes others from making use of your invention for a limited period usually 20 years subject to fees maintenance. In essence it is like any other property right because it can be sold, transferred, or basically abandoned once the exclusive period has expired. The government is the provider of the exclusive rights but only if you agree to provide the invention details to the public after the stipulated period of 20 years or 17 years. The rights of the patent vary according to different nations (Silverthorne, 2004). Since the patent gives the patent holder some exclusive rights and indeed a monopoly it does not however mean that the patent holder can in any way can abuse the patent. For instance, a number of inventions are further developments of prior inventions which mean that the invention may as well be covered by another person patent. If the inventor adds a new feature to existing design and makes new improvements to the design and in the process obtain a patent in accordance to the design improvement then he/she can only build his/her improvements legally with the patent holder’s permission if only the original patent is still being used. Also the owner of the improved design can rule out the patent holder

Monday, October 28, 2019

A brief history of diving Essay Example for Free

A brief history of diving Essay For those who can swim, diving in the sense of scuba diving or deep sea diving is certainly one of the most enjoyable pastimes a person can have. Like anything else, it has its pleasures and its risks, but the allure of the sea is certainly a major part in the life of any avid diver. Still, diving has its risks and perhaps in some sense those risks are greater than in other endeavors. The allure of the sea and the desire to enjoy it as freely as a fish is irresistible to many. Our fascination with the oceans may have made diving popular in the 19th century, but if so, it was certainly made more popular by the introduction of scuba equipment in the middle of the 20th century. Despite the relatively recent development of deep sea diving apparatus and of scuba diving, men and women have been diving for centuries. Often diving is for pleasure, but at other times it is just another basic survival skill to gather food, hunt for sponges (Hong et al. , 1991) or engage in military endeavors or otherwise. Until the invention of diving equipment, man was unable to go underwater and remain submerged for any extended period of time. His stay under water was limited by his ability to hold his breath so the problem was how to extend the amount of time underwater and, of course, the obvious solution was to find a means to provide an air supply to a submerged person. In August of last year (2006) while testing the Navys new Atmospheric Diving System (ADS) suit off the coast of La Jolla CA, a village of San Diego, Daniel Jackson, a Naval Reserve Diver, made the deepest free dive in history, a total of 2,000 feet. (Guinness, 2006) Perhaps it is because of the allure of the sea, but long before Jackson, men and women practiced breath-holding. Diving has many useful purposes such as gathering and providing food, military, recreational, research and others so these factors have no doubt added to the allure of diving. Despite the relatively new advent of scuba equipment and deep sea diving equipment, diving has been around for a long time. Of course, it is necessary to hold ones breath in order to go to any great depth and people have been using breath-holding techniques for diving for centuries. In ancient Greece, divers held their breath to search for sponges as some people do today, and throughout history some had done likewise in the process of military exploits. For those who wanted to stay underwater longer, the obvious question was how to do so? One solution was to breathe through hollow reeds while submerged. While this technique worked, there were limitations that prohibited it from being a valuable solution. Reeds longer than two feet long do not work well. Today we realize that it is difficult to inhale against water pressure below a certain depth. Another idea was to put air into a bag that could be used underwater, but that also presented problems, most significantly the fact that it caused divers to breathe in the carbon dioxide that had been exhaled. Although Aristotle wrote about a diving bell in the 4th century BC, all diving was probably done by holding the breath up until the 16th century. (Brylske, 1994; Somers, 1997) Whatever diving was done probably did not exceed depths of 100 feet if that much. The diving bell was the predominant diving apparatus during the 22 centuries from the 4th century BC until the around 1800. Using this stationary device, divers could get air from the bell and leave to do whatever they were doing underwater returning to the bell periodically for more air. This allowed divers to remain underwater until air in the bell was no longer breathable. By the 16th century, people began experimenting with diving bells. (Somers, 1997) These were actually bell shaped contraptions open at the bottom that were held a few feet from the surface. The diver could enter from the bottom which was open to water and the top part held compressed air, air that had been compressed by the water pressure. Early designs of the diving bell were refined in the late 1600s and became sizable and sophisticated by 1691 when Edmund Halley patented a ventilated diving bell that allowed divers to remain underwater for as much as an hour and a half. (Gilliam and von Maier, 1992) Even though electricity was not available for electric pumps at that time, manual pumps were used that could pump air from the surface down to divers as early as the 16th century in Europe. However, at greater depths, water pressure became a concern, so metal helmets and leather full diving suits were developed and used to protect divers who went below 60 feet. This diving equipment was continuously perfected up to the 19th and 20th centuries. By the 1830s, diving techniques that relied on air pumped to divers from the surface had been sufficiently well developed as to allow divers to work underwater for extended periods of time. Although these early techniques worked, they didnt entirely compensate for some diving concerns. Eventually, the improved technology of the 19th century resulted in compressed air pumps, regulators, carbon dioxide scrubbers and other improvements that allowed divers to remain underwater for longer and longer periods of time. As diving techniques improved, it became more apparent that there were at least two concerns in diving to depth. One, of course, was the need for an air supply that would eliminate the need to hold ones breath. The other problem was the need to compensate for depth. (Brylske, 1994; Somers, 1997) In 1905 Scotlands John Scott Haldane reported the fundamental discovery that breathing is regulated by the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood and in the brain. Haldane developed a method of decompression in stages that allowed deep-sea divers to ascend to the surface safely, information used for todays decompression charts. His work and that of the French physiologist Paul Bert increased our understanding of the physiological effects of air-pressure sufficiently to improve out knowledge of the hazards of diving to depth and how to overcome those hazards. Our understanding of the effects and safe limits of using compressed air for diving is due largely to the work of Haldane and Bert. (Gilliam and von Maier, 1992) Today, we realize that decompression, recompression, carbon dioxide and oxygen toxicity are important factors to consider in diving. Diving history can essentially be divided into four periods. Initially, there was the period of free diving when humans held their breath. Diving time and diving capacity were limited by the availability of air, the build-up of carbon dioxide and the effects at depth of pressure on the body. (Gilliam and von Maier, 1992) Later advances in diving during the second period of diving history led to the creation of heavy walled diving vessels which could maintain their internal atmosphere to that of sea level (1 atmosphere) so as to prevent the surrounding water pressure from being a hazard to the occupants. Diving bells and bathysphere are two such devices. Bathyspheres are essentially unpowered hollow steel balls that can be lowered from a mother ship by a steel cable. A bathyscaphe is a is bathysphere with a buoyancy control that eliminates the need for a cable. Then there is the submarine, a powered device with its own air supply and which is built so that it can handle all of the problems associated with depth and so it can travel great distances in any direction under its own power. Bathyspheres, bathyscaphes and submarines required a means to maintain the pressure at one atmosphere around the diver and a means to provide fresh oxygen while getting rid of exhaled carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide was eliminated by using soda lime, lithium hydroxide and other compounds that take up the carbon dioxide. Later during this period, one atmosphere diving suits were also developed that were flexible and yet able to withstand pressures at great death so as to allow divers to work at depths up to several hundred meters for hours. (Somers, 1997) Diving entered a period of using compressed air next. The air could be supplied from the surface and delivered to the diver at depth. The hand-operated air compressor was a major advancement in diving history. It had appeared by 1770 and allowed for the development of helmet-hose diving systems that were the predominant diving techniques from 1800 until the mid-1950s. Unlike then final period, during this period of diving the diver is separated from his/her air supply, but has air delivered through a long umbilical cord to a regulator and mouthpiece carried by the diver. At great depth, the diver can be enclosed in a dive suit that can handle the water pressure at depth. These suits can be cumbersome but the buoyancy of the water can relieve some of their burden. Although diving masks with a regulator, mouthpiece and hose may come to mind when one considers these devices, caissons are also included in this category. Caissons are huge spaces that are supplied with compressed air. Diving bells and rigid helmet diving suits are also grouped in this category. The air that the diver breathes is at the same pressure as that of the water surrounding the diver thus leaving him at risk for decompression concerns such as the bends, air embolism, etc. pon their ascent if they ascend too fast. To assist with this concern, special mixtures of gas are used that allow divers to dive deeper than with compressed air. These gas mixtures combine oxygen with another gas or gases such as hydrogen, helium and/or nitrogen. (Somers, 1997; Gilliam and von Maier, 1992) The most recent development in diving is diving with compressed air or gas mixtures that include oxygen carried by the diver. This is referred to by the acronym S. C. U. B. A. which is generally referred to as scuba diving. Scuba stands for self contained underwater breathing apparatus and refers to the fact that the diver carries his or her air supply on their back while diving. Although we may view scuba gear to be a recent development in diving technology, the development of scuba gear can be traced back to 1680 when Borelli, who also experimented with fins and buoyancy compensation, developed a device based on the theory that the hot air a diver exhales could be rejuvenated by cooling and condensing in. (Somers, 1997) Although Borellis gear failed, it still represents a step forward in diving theory and technology. By the first third of the nineteenth century, Condert published a scuba design using a helmet and a compressed air reservoir that fit around the divers waist. In 1865, Rouquayrol developed a surface-supplied regulator system that did ultimately have an effect on todays scuba gear. By 1878, Fleuss and Davis developed a closed-circuit oxygen scuba device that used chemical carbon dioxide as absorbent. (Gilliam and von Maier, 1992; Somers, 1997) The scuba equipment commonly used today was developed by Emile Gagnan and Jacques-Yves Cousteau. Somers, 1997; Cousteau, 1986; Marx, 1990) The two principle types of scuba equipment are open circuit and closed circuit equipment. Open circuit equipment vents the expired air into the water while closed circuit systems all the carbon dioxide to be absorbed and add more oxygen so that the air can be re-used. Scuba divers are at risk for decompression problems if they ascend too fast and various gas mixtures allow scuba divers to go deeper than with compressed air. Scuba diving has a number of advantages over other forms of diving. The tanks allow the diver to remain underwater longer than would be possible by simply holding ones breath. Even though scuba allows divers to go deeper than with snorkeling and allows them more freedom than would be possible using compressed air from the surface, its major disadvantage is that the time spent underwater is limited by the amount of compressed air in the tanks. Since time is of essence and all muscle activity decreases the amount of time that oxygen will be available, scuba divers can increase the amount of time they will have underwater with scuba gear if they exert less energy while diving. Although most divers swim underwater while diving, they can resort to propulsion devices referred to as Diver Propulsion Vehicles (DPVs) commonly called scooters to move underwater. The term SCUBA originally referred to rebreathers used by the military for underwater warfare but today it generally refers to open-circuit equipment. However, rebreathers are also classified as scuba gear. The history of diving is certainly to complex and exciting to cover in these few pages, but what few comments have been presented do demonstrate how rich that history is and how far it extends back in time. Only by considering how far back into history diving extends and the advances diving has made with the passage of time will we truly realize the fascination diving has held for us through time. Perhaps the next great advance in diving will not be man growing gills, but whatever it will be will only add to the present fascination and allure of diving. We can only build on the future of diving by understanding how we arrived at our present level of knowledge and technology.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Free Macbeth Essays: Blameless Macbeth :: Macbeth essays

Blameless Macbeth  Ã‚      Macbeth, a tragic play by William Shakespeare, involves the downfall of a military hero, Macbeth. Our hero, however, is not to blame for his own fate – the downfall of Macbeth is the result of the actions by those around him. Three evil withes foretell that Macbeth will become Thane of DCawdor and even King of Scotland. Macbeth dismissed their prophecies, but after he is promoted to Thane of Cawdor for military action, Macbeth wonders if he shall not be King, too. Macbeth is a good and loyal kinsman who would never harm his King. Were it not for outside forces, he would have lived happily as Thane of Cawdor, an illustrious title in itself. Macbeth does not even want to kill King Duncan. He says Ã’chance may crown me without my stir.Ó Fearing the withes message means that he will kill the king in the future, he says Ã’Present fears are less than horrible imaginings.Ó Macbeth writes to his wife, telling her about the withes and how one prophecy has already come true. As soon as she hears about it, she calls on evil spirits to fill her full of cruelty so that she will the King if necessary. Macbeth, one the other hand, does not like a possible future by the withes prophecy: that he will kill his King. This shows the difference between Lord and Lady Macbeth. It is only after much nagging and cajoling from his wife that he decides to go through with it, and then halfheartedly. His wife uses insults, demeans him, and makes him feel less than a man, so Macbeth finally gives in. While Lady Macbeth is the one who sets the ball rolling, to use an analogy, it was the witches that put the ball at the top of the hill,. The three withes are a physical manifestation of evil. They conspire to kill as many mortals as possible, under their ‘superior,’ Hecate. Using their evil ability to see into the future, they can tell that by using Macbeth as a tool for destruction, the maximum destructiveness will be reached. To get Macbeth to do their evil biddings, the first influence this seed of evil into his mind. By giving Macbeth that prophecy, they ensure that their plans will work.The prophecy is a self fulfilling one: for the future to be as it turns out to be, someone must know of it. Free Macbeth Essays: Blameless Macbeth :: Macbeth essays Blameless Macbeth  Ã‚      Macbeth, a tragic play by William Shakespeare, involves the downfall of a military hero, Macbeth. Our hero, however, is not to blame for his own fate – the downfall of Macbeth is the result of the actions by those around him. Three evil withes foretell that Macbeth will become Thane of DCawdor and even King of Scotland. Macbeth dismissed their prophecies, but after he is promoted to Thane of Cawdor for military action, Macbeth wonders if he shall not be King, too. Macbeth is a good and loyal kinsman who would never harm his King. Were it not for outside forces, he would have lived happily as Thane of Cawdor, an illustrious title in itself. Macbeth does not even want to kill King Duncan. He says Ã’chance may crown me without my stir.Ó Fearing the withes message means that he will kill the king in the future, he says Ã’Present fears are less than horrible imaginings.Ó Macbeth writes to his wife, telling her about the withes and how one prophecy has already come true. As soon as she hears about it, she calls on evil spirits to fill her full of cruelty so that she will the King if necessary. Macbeth, one the other hand, does not like a possible future by the withes prophecy: that he will kill his King. This shows the difference between Lord and Lady Macbeth. It is only after much nagging and cajoling from his wife that he decides to go through with it, and then halfheartedly. His wife uses insults, demeans him, and makes him feel less than a man, so Macbeth finally gives in. While Lady Macbeth is the one who sets the ball rolling, to use an analogy, it was the witches that put the ball at the top of the hill,. The three withes are a physical manifestation of evil. They conspire to kill as many mortals as possible, under their ‘superior,’ Hecate. Using their evil ability to see into the future, they can tell that by using Macbeth as a tool for destruction, the maximum destructiveness will be reached. To get Macbeth to do their evil biddings, the first influence this seed of evil into his mind. By giving Macbeth that prophecy, they ensure that their plans will work.The prophecy is a self fulfilling one: for the future to be as it turns out to be, someone must know of it.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Annual Report Summary

As a huge worldwide company. Coca-Cola uses colorful images, where youth with smiling face holding the company's product to show the positive energy it is sharing throughout the world to its investors, the descriptive and powerful wording in its paragraphs under each part of its report, where it provides detailed explanation about its performance in the preceding year to make its message more convincing and understandable for Investors, and lastly the company provides colorful graphic representation of its data to make it easier for an Impatient reader, who prefer to extract key message quickly.Coca-Cola Company illustrates its performance by the colorful and positive images to show the positive energy it is sharing throughout the world to its investors. The youth, with happy faces holding the company's products represent different nationalities showing that Coca-Cola performs worldwide and shares happiness throughout the world. As it stated on the second page of the report, the comp any's key strategy Is to be bonded with Its customers and share experiences related to their product and the images, the company uses, shows visual Image of Its strategy.The creativeness and positive mages are the best attention catcher, because most investors skim over the report and the colorful images would be a key tool to get attention of such investors. It also shows to investors how the company shares happiness with its customers. The images, where illustrated youth, shows that the company has a bright future. These all serves as a key to attract Investors, who always look for positives. However, the Images will not be enough for some investors and they may prefer to go over the report and in this case, the strong verbal techniques will come to play.Coca-Cola sees the descriptive and powerful wording in its paragraphs under each part of its report, where it provides detailed explanation about its performance in the preceding year, to make its message more convincing and under standable for investors. The company provides an information about its performance by using numerical data and simple, but powerful words. Its positive and friendly tone makes Its reader to think about the company positively and the evidences given In each part makes the information the company sharing reliable.The company chooses powerful words and always talks as â€Å"we†, which shows the strong connection between its people. The positive and detailed tone serves as driven tool for investors and most investors look for easy to read and convenient to use information. In addition, the most Investors work with numbers and they risk their money relying on those according to those numbers they can predict the future too. So, the numbers in addition to words serves as an evidence to compel the investors. The company achieves investors' satisfaction by this feature.Lastly, the company provides colorful graphic representation of its data to make it easy for impatient reader, who p refer to extract key messages quickly. In the â€Å"Operating Groups† section of the report, the many uses visual graphs and colorful maps with numbers to show important data about its operations. There is also the images of products with pie diagrams to present the selling performance of each product throughout the world. As a worldwide company, Coca-Cola gives detailed information by using data and graphs about its performance in 2012 in its international market.As we know, most investors do not want to read the report word by word. They prefer to understand and get needed information quickly, in one glance. The graphs, maps and diagrams, the company provides, serves as powerful tool on this. The investor can open needed section and see all data needed by observing graphs and diagrams. This strategy benefits Coca-Cola by catching the attention of impatient investors and drives their attention to the company. They can skim over the data and check the graphs and they will get the information they need in a quickest way.Coca-Cola uses colorful images, where youth with smiling face holding the company's product to show the positive energy it is sharing throughout the world to its investors, the descriptive and powerful wording in its paragraphs under each part of its report, where it provides detailed explanation about its performance in the preceding year to make its message more convincing and understandable for investors, and lastly the company provides colorful graphic representation of its data to make it easier for an impatient reader, who prefer to extract key message quickly.I think Coca-Cola uses the most significant and beneficial strategies to drive the investors' attention to the company. The colorful images, strong wording, and descriptive graphic representation of its performance in its Annual report for 2012 makes it interesting and entertaining for its reader.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Explore the Theme of Monstrosity in Frankenstein Essay

Montrosity is a key in Frankenstein, and it affects both the Creature and Victor, whilst at the same time , Shelley argues that society is monstrous through injustices of the time and the social conventions. Frankenstein could be said to be the monster himself- when he says â€Å"miserable monster† whom â€Å"I had created†, we see Shelley implicitly suggest, through the alliterative phrase, that just as â€Å"Adam was created in God’s image† so too was the Creature born in the image of Victor. Moreover, the idea that Frankenstein is himself the monster is reinforced by â€Å"or rather cell†. â€Å"Cell† refers to a prison cell, and is used symbolically to represent the idea that just like a cell is for criminals, who perform acts of monstrousity, so to is Frankenstein the â€Å"criminal† commiting an act of â€Å"monstrosity†. On the other hand, we could argue that it was not so much the act of creation that was monstrous, but rather Frankenstein’s reaction. By writing â€Å"I ran out of the room† we see Victor perform the ultimate rejection, and therefore, shunning the responsibilty that exists in the binary between â€Å"Parent† and â€Å"Child†- as John McRae argued. It is interesting to note that Frankenstein rejects the monster because of an innate selfishness- â€Å"the beauty of the dream vanished† implies that Frankenstein’s physical conception does not equal that of his mental conception, and that because Frankenstein’s plan are in disarray, his rational scientific methods- â€Å"I selected†¦in proportion† show this- are replaced by emotional responses; which for him, is territory unknown- in the same way Walton seeks to â€Å"ascertain the secrets† or how the Creature wants to understand human behaviour at the De Lacy’s. Thus, we see a connection between Victor and the Creature- whom he describes as â€Å"miserbale monster†. Furthermore, the fact that Frankenstein can only respond to the Creature’s birth in empirical, scientific observations- â€Å"pearly white teeth, dull eyes†- constrasts with Elizabeth’s response to William’s death- â€Å"O I have murdered my child†. By portraying Elizabeth in a positive light- she forms an emotional response, which juxtaposes with the sterile feelings of Frankenstein at the conception of the Creatue, Shelley implies that women present a greater degree of humanity- and thus criticises the male dominated society on education- whilst they may read â€Å"Shakespeare† and â€Å"Agrippa†, women will be worldly-wise, (no doubt influence by her feminist mother) and that they are necessary to prevent monstrosities. This idea of the female role is reinforced by the fact that as the novel progresses, the women are slowly being removed- first his Mother, then Justine and then Elizabeth- â€Å"I saw Elizabeth†¦held the corpse of my dead mother†. This presents Frankenstein’s mental degregation and ultimately, the ctalyst for the mosntrous act- so Shelley presents the idea of a dichotomy between man and women- Darwin supported this by suggesting the hierachy of reproducion- man and woman is better than man alone. However, it could also be argued that Frankenstein’s settings augment his monstrousity- we see a sense of isolation- â€Å"solitude† is repeated, implying that by imposing self-exile, Frankenstein detaches himself from society and its rules and that he has become an â€Å"outsider† (McCrae)- much as the monstrousity that Victor calls the Creature, is also an outsider. Indeed the connection between the two is best examined by the Shelley use of the mountain-top- â€Å"Chamonuix, where I saw him†- which alludes to the idea of the Creator and Creation meeting (Hayward), both as equal, with both, arguably as montrous, Victor for abondoning the Creature, and the Creature (for Victor) a representation fo his failure. By using â€Å"Solitude and â€Å" Filthy Workshop of Creation†, Shelley implies that this isolation leads to thoughts of monstrousity- Godwin influecned her argiung it â€Å"was a nusery of madmen†. This separation from society is symbolic too. If Geneva is â€Å"Eden†, then by extending against the limits of knowledge-â€Å"if no man broke the rules† suggests no remorse- he cut himself off, much like Lucifer in Paradise Lost- and thus, Shelley implies that this inner monster within Frankenstein and all of us, can only be restrained by a balance- whether, male or female, or equal laws. The idea that the monstrousity is within Frankenstein (and therefore us) is suggested by â€Å"wildness in his eyes†- he claims the Creature to be â€Å"wild†, but if the eyes are â€Å"windows to the sould†, Shelley suggests and innate montrosity in him (and us); an â€Å"id† that is the carnal desires. This contrasts the idea of the Monster’s â€Å"dull eyes†- which challenges the idea that the Creature is the monstrosity- this challenge is the reason why Shelley uses the Chinese Box Narrative- the various â€Å"narritve eyes† makes us formulate our own judgement. In fact, the Moster, may be the most human of us all- he â€Å"imitates the physiognamy and manners† in the same way that Justine did, yet both are treated unfairly. This idea of an unfair treatment alludes to Shelley’s belief that monstorusity exists in society- so whilst we can say it was Victor’s nature to be monstorus (and that society placed limits to prevent this), the nurturing of him within society is what leads to the monstrosity arguably. In the case of the Justine, the irony is that she is treated â€Å"un-JUSTlY† contrary to her name- which perhaps could be Shelley’s sly reference to her desire for female eqaulity (influenced by Wollstencraft –the feminist motehr) – a name is afforded to all, and Justine’s name contain’s justice- therefore, when she â€Å"is found guilty†- there is a trangression of nature, in the same way that Frankenstein transgresses nature by creating life. This presents the idea that society is too quick to judge- just as Frankenstein believes â€Å"seemingly to grab me†, Justine is quickly found guilty- regardless of Elizabeth’s plea- no wonder Shelley present s the law in such a negative light- â€Å"judge†¦meddle in the dark side of human nature†, because it is flawed and makes rash decisions. Thus, we see Shelley regard society as the monster. To conclude, monstrosity is pervades throughout the novel, affecting all characters and being influenced by setting and society. Yet, in the same way that the Creature was Frankenstein’s creation, the novel coould be seen as her monster-shunned by contempories but exposing the reatiy of monstrosity within us all.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Muslim Girls essays

Muslim Girls essays The central Bosnian village Dolina is located in a valley north of the Bosnian-Hercegovinian capital, Sarejevo. From a very early age Muslim girls are taught that their role as a female is to assist their mother with household chores and to serve the men. While her male siblings, who spend most of their time playing and walking around the village, are not expected to work around the house (Bringa 106). Muslim boys were given privileges because they were male. Muslim women usually did not leave the household for employment because they maintained the household agriculture, however they could sew and knit for other villagers. Womens work mainly consisted of tending to the garden where they grew the vegetables for household consumption. The women also did the milking and the processing of cheese (Bringa 52-4). The busiest part of a Muslim womans day was in the morning when she did the cooking and the cleaning. A womens daily routine, which includes social calls to her neighbors, know as coffee visits, revolves around both her children and husbands schedule. A woman was expected to be home whenever her husband was home (Bringa 87-8). The daily interaction between neighboring households occurs mainly through the womens coffee visits. During the coffee visits the women are expected to uphold Muslim community values so as not to damage the reputation of their household (Bringa 91). Tone Bringa wrote: as a wife a womans behavior was judged in relation to her behavior within the neighborhood and village, and in terms of her critical role as representative of the moral standing of her household on a daily basis(105). Women determine and maintain the environment that exists within the household while the men are the providers of material substance (Bringa 86). The men spend most of their time working outside the village in nearby market town...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The life of Jane Alexander

The life of Jane Alexander Jane Alexander was born in Johannesburg in 1959. From a very young age she started showing great artistic talent, and is now one of South Africa's most acknowledged sculptors. She studied at the University of Witwatersrand and obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art degree in 1982. That same year, she was the winner of the National Fine Arts Student Competition as well as the Martienssen Student Prize. In 1988 she completed her Masters in Fine Art. She had initially started her degree majoring in painting, but eventually changed to sculpture as she found it much more appealing and realized that she was more suited to it. At university, Alexander was exposed to information about the political situation in South Africa through students' underground organizations and activities, and this contributed greatly to her work.When growing up in the suburbs, Alexander had been shielded from everyday police- and street violence.Alexander gets in on the ActHowever, when she moved to city of Braam fontein in order to be closer to her university, she was faced with reality and was directly confronted with these aspects of society. At the same time, the political situation in the 1970's was changing, and black consciousness had become very noticeable - the 1976 Soweto uprising had been an eye-opener for many people. Despite the fact that Alexander, herself, was not politically active and did not contribute to the struggle in any way, her work was extremely influenced by the socio-political situation in South Africa at the time. Her work clearly responds to the violence in South Africa during these years, and because of this she is seen as one of West Coast African Angel, '85 the most important artists of the Resistance.After completing her degree, Alexander went to a school in Rehoboth, Namibia to teach English. She now lives...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Displaying a PDF File in a VB.NET Form

Displaying a PDF File in a VB.NET Form PDF files have an internal document format that requires a software object that understands the format. Since many of you might have used the functions of Office in your VB code, lets look briefly at Microsoft Word as an example of processing a formatted document to make sure we understand the concept. If you want to work with a Word document, you have to add a Reference to the Microsoft Word 12.0 Object Library (for Word 2007) and then instantiate the Word Application object in your code. Dim myWord As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.ApplicationClass Start Word and open the document. myWord CreateObject(Word.Application) myWord.Visible True myWord.Documents.Open(C:\myWordDocument.docx) ( must be replaced with the actual path to the document to make this code work on your PC.) Microsoft uses the Word Object Library to provide other methods and properties for your use. Read the article COM -.NET Interoperability in Visual Basic to understand more about Office COM interop. But PDF files arent a Microsoft technology. PDF - Portable Document Format - is a file format created by Adobe Systems for document exchange. For years, it was totally proprietary and you had to get software that could process a PDF file from Adobe. On July 1, 2008, PDF was finalized as a published international standard. Now, anyone is permitted to create applications that can read and write PDF files without having to pay royalties to Adobe Systems. If you plan on selling your software, you still may be required to get a license, but Adobe provides them royalty-free. (Microsoft created a different format called XPS that is based on XML. Adobes PDF format is based on Postscript. XPS became a published international standard on June 16, 2009.) The Uses of PDF Since the PDF format is a competitor to Microsofts technology, they dont provide a lot of support and you have to get a software object that understands the PDF format from someone other than Microsoft right now. Adobe returns the favor. They dont support Microsoft technology all that well either. Quoting from the latest (October 2009) Adobe Acrobat 9.1 documentation, There is currently no support for the development of plug-ins using managed languages such as C# or VB.NET. (A plug-in is an on-demand software component. Adobes plug-in is used to display PDFs in a browser.) Since PDF is a standard, several companies have developed software for sale that you can add to your project that will do the job, including Adobe. There are also a number of open-source systems available. You could also use the Word (or Visio) object libraries to read and write PDF files but using these large systems for just this one thing will require extra programming, also has license issues, and will make your program bigger than it has to be. Just as you need to buy Office before you can take advantage of Word, you also have to buy the full version of Acrobat before you can take advantage of more than just the Reader. You would use the full Acrobat product in about the same way that other object libraries, like Word 2007 above, are used. I dont happen to have the full Acrobat product installed so I couldnt provide any tested examples here. How To But if you only need to display PDF files in your program, Adobe provides an ActiveX COM control that you can add to the VB.NET Toolbox. It will do the job for free. Its the same one you probably use to display PDF files anyway: the free Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader. To use the Reader control, first make sure that you have downloaded and installed the free Acrobat Reader from Adobe. Step 2 is to add the control to the VB.NET Toolbox. Open VB.NET and start a standard Windows application. (Microsofts next generation of presentation, WPF, doesnt work with this control yet. Sorry!) To do that, right-click on any tab (such as Common Controls) and select Choose Items ... from the context menu that pops up. Select the COM Components tab and click the checkbox beside Adobe PDF Reader and click OK. You should be able to scroll down to the Controls tab in the Toolbox and see the Adobe PDF Reader there. Now just drag the control to your Windows Form in the design window and size it appropriately. For this quick example, Im not going to add any other logic, but the control has lots of flexibility that Ill tell you how to find out about later. For this example, Im just going to load a simple PDF that I created in Word 2007. To do that, add this code to the form Load event procedure: Console.WriteLine(AxAcroPDF1.LoadFile( _   Ã‚  Ã‚  C:\Users\Temp\SamplePDF.pdf)) Substitute the path and file name of a PDF file on your own computer to run this code. I displayed the result of the call in the Output windows only to show how that works. Heres the result: Click Here to display the illustrationClick the Back button on your browser to return If you want to control the Reader, there are methods and properties for that in the control too. But the good folks at Adobe have done a better job than I could. Download the Adobe Acrobat SDK from their developer center ( The AcrobatActiveXVB program in the VBSamples directory of the SDK shows you how to navigate in a document, get the version numbers of the Adobe software you are using, and much more. If you dont have the full Acrobat system installed - which must be purchased from Adobe - you wont be able to run other examples.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Write an analytical essay about Orientalism and the Other

Write an analytical about Orientalism and the Other - Essay Example The article is well organized, first telling the reader what might be expected and then proceeding to discuss each of these items in turn. This helps to improve his argument because it seems straightforward. In his discussion regarding the ideas of Orientalism, for example, he traces the way in which social scientists have gradually become more aware of how their own culture colors perceptions of various elements of other cultures and their language reinforces the East/West dichotomies that foster continued flawed perception. His analysis of the writings of Max Weber regarding the Orient reveals exactly what he means when he says the very vocabulary of the sciences are guilty of reflecting the Orientalist approach. â€Å"He [Weber] contrasted the ‘sensual’ East with the ‘rational’ West, where denial of luxury was upheld by the Protestant church.† From this understanding of Weber’s focus, he then moves forward to trace this thought through the history of Orientalist criticism. â€Å"The first stage developed in the late 1950s and early 60s as Oriental Studies departments in the US, USSR and UK were reorganized,† while the second stage started with protests published by individuals from within the ‘oriental’ culture primarily championed by Abdel-Malek in the 60s and 70s. The third stage of this aspect of social theory development is identified by Walker as being the publication of Edward Said’s book Orientalism. Throughout, he demonstrates how the ideas of Marxism were frequently adopted by these critics as a means of overcoming some of the more glaring issues. As this discussion progresses, Walker manages to also demonstrate how the language itself poses a problem through asides such as â€Å"The terms ‘Third World’ and ‘non-Western’ are both culturally loaded and s uggest a dichotomy were there is, increasingly, not one.† This aspect of the

How free is the free market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

How free is the free market - Essay Example The first example which comes to mind is the labour market and western democracies such as the UK and the US pride themselves on being welfare states which regulate how the labour is governed (Chomsky, 1996). However, this governance and control may have political objectives as described by Adams (2002). Unemployment becomes an important question for governments therefore they may try to maintain low unemployment figures with the regulation of the labour market (Sloman, 2004). In essence, what should have been a free market in an economic system is turned into a controlled market. It could be asked why a system which promotes the idea of a free market as described by Adam Smith and many others who came after him actually seeks to regulate labour at all? The notions concerning the acceptance of a free market and competition between individuals seem to run counter to labour regulations and minimum wage laws (Chomsky, 1999). The answer given to solve this apparent disjoint is that regulations are supposed to protect people from those who may exploit them. For instance, without proper regulations created by the government bodies the labour market could become imperfect as factory owners could be unfair to the labour they have employed (Botero et. al., 2004). Richardson (1999) says that, â€Å"regulation of the labour market has been a feature of Western economies since it was proposed as an amelioration of some of the worst abuses of workers experienced during the Industrial Revolution (Richardson, 1999, Pg. 1)†. Undoubtedly, the situation during the Industrial Revolution meant that mill owners could treat their labour as they wished no regulatory controls existed on wages or work hours. The situation might be not have changed much today had there been no control on the market even though writers such as Chomsky (1999) suggest that the neoliberal agenda allows the exploitation of

Friday, October 18, 2019

Managing and Leading Change_2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Managing and Leading Change_2 - Assignment Example Furthermore, the article pertains to the organization’s management for meeting complex requirements of the clients as well as the newly purchased ‘Global Advertising Giant Publicis Group SA’. A clear vision along with specific strategy may be required for the successful implementation of the change in processes and the expected result of that change. It is a fact that successful management that leading of change requires the active participation of all the relevant stakeholders (Myatt, 2012). Critical Evaluation The phenomenon of change is highly crucial. Therefore, the ability of managing and leading change is of incredible paramount importance. Keeping in view the fact, the Fallon took various steps to implement change successfully. In this regards, one of the positive initiatives of the organization is to acquire the five page manifesto and this step was taken by the Anne Bologna, planning director of Fallon's Minneapolis office. Moreover, in order to implement the manifesto, the organization has selected high level managers having multiple capabilities and skills. Overall, this scheme follows one (1) of the guidelines for the successful implementation of the change i-e creating urgency and making it feel that the change is going to be implemented. Moreover, the article specifies that the employees of the organization developed an alliance to implement change and this was one of the positive steps undertaken by the organization. Moreover, the Planning Director of the Fallon Worldwide took a step of drafting five (5) pages Manifesto for clearing the vision of the employee. Not only this, there is another guideline for implementing change is to communicate your change vision to all the employees to have their buy in; the same has been done by the employees of the Fallon Worldwide. Therefore, it can be stated that these other positive steps undertaken by the organization (BusinessBalss, 2013). However, on the other hand, there are weak point s as well or it can be said that there are certain other guidelines for implementing and managing change which have not been undertaken by the organization. It is vital to implement the change as soon as possible by creating and giving it high priority, but it has been observed that it took a year to the Fallon Worldwide for understanding the urgency of the matter (Kotter, 2012). Moreover, it is important for a leader (change implementer) to empower his / her subordinates to take extraordinary actions to bring about the desired change. In order to bring about a long term change, it is highly crucial that the leader should focus to attain short term goals. And these short term goals would always facilitate to achieve the long term goals. The Fallon Worldwide organization misses these points while implementing change and these were not only the guidelines which were not followed by the organization. In addition, apart from the article under discussion, there are guidelines for impleme nting change in an organization includes: the leader should never give up and change requires defying against all the odds and constantly motivating people to do the best. A good leader is the one that keeps on increasing the number of tasks so that subordinates keep motivated. Example of the Hotel Implementing Change In order to strengthen the above given analysis, a real story of an organization

Financial statements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Financial statements - Essay Example They have the duty of recording, analyzing, summarizing and reporting the financial performance and position of the company to both internal and external users of financial statements. Being sales department personnel, I work on generating invoices for the customers, sales tax return and other documentation in collaboration with accounts and finance department of the company. The financial statements of my organization provide various sorts of financial information. Fundamentally, it shows the financial position of my organization through balance sheet. Financial performance of my organization is disclosed through statement of comprehensive income. The activities relating to cash inflows and outflows are reflected through statement of cash flows. Statement of changes in equity shows the information relating to changes in the equity ownership of the organization. Last part of financial statement is â€Å"notes to the financial statements† which provide detailed workings and disclosures of accounting heads that are presented in other components of financial statements (Ramgopal,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Describe what you have learned about issues of leadership in your Essay

Describe what you have learned about issues of leadership in your current role - Essay Example This is a challenging and, at the same time, a great opportunity to experiment and develop my leadership prowess. I have learned that leadership competency is all about having the ability to operate and lead people in a diverse organization structures, skills, cultures and contexts. It is the ability to work or function with external and internal teams across various time zones, human resource policies and locations. This capability makes a manager or a leader adaptive to alterations in working conditions and able to develop effective teams. Therefore, a leader needs motivation, commitment and understanding. This is because one is managing different people, with diverse cultural backgrounds, tradition, opinions and goals, is not easy, (Sadler 34). The group is motivated in diverse ways, and every teacher expects a different thing from an assistant manager. Therefore, as a leader one needs to be a team builder, motivator, coacher to ensure divergent views are integrated and needs met to achieve common goals. Leadership skills can perform an extensive part in development of one’s career. Often one’s technical skills can enhance his knowledge, (Northouse 41). Leaders learn from their colleagues, teachers, his boss and experiment various skill. Therefore, leadership is character development and building process that enables a leader to enhance his leadership skills, identify his weaknesses and strengths and reinforce his leadership abilities. A leader must be a critical thinker, managing about 50 educational supervisors and visiting different schools to promote teachers and principals of new educational strategies need critical thinking. He should predict possible challenges before they occur. Managing needs, extensive skills to allow development of educational methods that are cohesive, coherent and fruitful to the educational needs of students. Efficient listening is crucial for leaders. Without listening skills, a leader cannot get a response and

Ethics in Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethics in Business - Essay Example Whenever there is discussion about saving or preserving ecosystem, majority concentrates about land and very few people pay attention to sea and species living in it. The attention of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and towards preserving fish and limiting annual catch limit is worth appreciating, as very few people pay attention to this aspect of the ecosystem. It is really very important for balanced Ecosystem. This proposed regulation will certainly affect people in fisheries business as with the implementation of this regulation Annual Catch Limit will be fixed, and people in fisheries business will be able to catch fish up to the specified annual catch limit only. 2) The proposal is to make changes to 5 fishery ecosystem plans in order to create a method or rule to specify annual catch limit (ACLs) & accountability measures (AMs) (Sutinen Jon G., 2005). The suggested proposal will be helpful in balancing eco system and mainly concentrates on the problem of over fishing. The proposal specifies that fishery management plan of every council must contain a method to specify annual catch limit, to prevent over fishing. Accountability measures are also needed to diminish or correct any surpass of annual catch limit.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Describe what you have learned about issues of leadership in your Essay

Describe what you have learned about issues of leadership in your current role - Essay Example This is a challenging and, at the same time, a great opportunity to experiment and develop my leadership prowess. I have learned that leadership competency is all about having the ability to operate and lead people in a diverse organization structures, skills, cultures and contexts. It is the ability to work or function with external and internal teams across various time zones, human resource policies and locations. This capability makes a manager or a leader adaptive to alterations in working conditions and able to develop effective teams. Therefore, a leader needs motivation, commitment and understanding. This is because one is managing different people, with diverse cultural backgrounds, tradition, opinions and goals, is not easy, (Sadler 34). The group is motivated in diverse ways, and every teacher expects a different thing from an assistant manager. Therefore, as a leader one needs to be a team builder, motivator, coacher to ensure divergent views are integrated and needs met to achieve common goals. Leadership skills can perform an extensive part in development of one’s career. Often one’s technical skills can enhance his knowledge, (Northouse 41). Leaders learn from their colleagues, teachers, his boss and experiment various skill. Therefore, leadership is character development and building process that enables a leader to enhance his leadership skills, identify his weaknesses and strengths and reinforce his leadership abilities. A leader must be a critical thinker, managing about 50 educational supervisors and visiting different schools to promote teachers and principals of new educational strategies need critical thinking. He should predict possible challenges before they occur. Managing needs, extensive skills to allow development of educational methods that are cohesive, coherent and fruitful to the educational needs of students. Efficient listening is crucial for leaders. Without listening skills, a leader cannot get a response and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Movie Review of The Road by Cormac McCarthy Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Of The Road by Cormac McCarthy - Movie Review Example I am Legend is another 2007 post-apocalyptic tale based on the novel of the same name, which tells the story of Dr. Robert Neville, a lone survivor of a lethal disease outbreak, which was initially meant to be a cure for cancer. Neville’s family perished in an accident during the evacuation and ever since then, he only lives to find a cure and other survivors in the area. The Road and I am Legend incorporate similar character arcs and themes, of which the most dominant theme is that of loneliness. Neville has his dog, while the unnamed protagonist in The Road fights for the survival of him and his son, they are completely isolated in their endeavors. They live in constant fear of the antagonists, who are actively chasing and pursuing them, which has destroyed the basic concept of a home and pushed humanity to primitive way of life, where they lived in constant fear of being attacked by other beasts. Both Neville and Cormac’s protagonist were victims of a global unrest, which was out of the locus of their control. However, the antagonists in I am Legend were simply infected and had no control over their actions, but in The Road, the cannibals were conscious individuals, who had resorted to eating people in order to survive. Hence, while I am Legend, establishes the antagonists as mere victims, The Road tries to underline a gruesome aspect of human behavior that stemmed from a primal instinct of ‘survival of the fittest’. The cannibals were conscious individuals who had willingly chosen to eat their peers or be eaten, therefore reinforcing the concept that human beings would go to any extent in order to salvage themselves. Both stories follow a similar progression of events, along with similar character transformation but they were brought about by different catalysts. For instance, Neville is pushed to the edge and comes to terms with his mortality after losing his last remaining family member, his dog. On the other hand, Cormac’s protagonist

Monday, October 14, 2019

The true impact racism has on people in our society Essay Example for Free

The true impact racism has on people in our society Essay The blacks are considered by the white society as worthless slaves who have no choice but to be a housemaid or slave. Racism has been a popular issue for many years, and has caused many blacks to suffer because of their outward appearance. Aibileen faces as a victim to racial comments in the movie â€Å"The Help† directed by Tate Taylor which took place in the 1960’s in Jackson, Mississippi. Aibileen is a maid. African American housemaid who has just experienced the loss of her son and has raised about 17 children as a maid. Blacks did not have the equal rights like the white society caused many to have education for money. This essay will show to a large extent the struggles Aibileen goes through, and through camera angles, dialogue, it will provide in detail why Tate Taylor used Aibileen to communicate to the viewers the problem of racism has on our society. Racism has caused blacks to differ from the white society. The impact of racism back in 1960s Jackson, Mississippi provides the struggle of an individual name Aibileen an African American house maid through a white society. Aibileen in scene one talks about how she lost her only son and was left laying dead in front of a white hospital. As a mother their responsibility is to protect and ensure the child’s safety is their first priority. Tate Taylor uses a point of view shot on the wall in scene one which sows the picture of her son and a frame of Jesus Christ to enable the viewers to see how severe the issue about racism can lead to. The blacks are treated unfairly and the white society takes advantage of the situation by ensuring blacks would be their maid to do their dirty work. In scene two you see a mid and long shot was used on Aibileen and Mae Mobley. It allows the viewers to see the foreshadow between scene one and scene two when she loses her son, and comforting the baby girl she looks after. Tate Taylor suggests by using a lo ng shot on them shows the sense of loss Aibileen has experienced ascertain the idea of sympathy towards Aibileen. When problems become piled up one by one you start to realize the only way through it is standing up for yourself. In the get together party in scene three a few girls all had a reunion which we see Skeeter joining in. Hilly makes a racist remark on black people carrying  diseases which Aibileen can clearly hear from a distance. A point of view shot was used from Skeeter to Aibileen to see her reaction towards Hilly’s comment. This camera angle was used clearly to express the disappointment on Aibileen’s face and how racism can hurt others mentally and emotionally. As the scene went on the maids are at first reluctant to talk to Skeeter because the result of them losing their jobs and violence can affect their families. Aibileen was first to tell her stories which foreshadowed their way out to starting a new life. By the end of the film when Skeeter books are finally published, Aibileen loses her job and walks off. Tate Taylor uses an establishing shot while Aibileen walks off to indicate to the viewers that while she is leaving she is also starting a new life. This angle was used effectively to deliberately allow the viewers to see that a fresh new start is what Aibileen really needs. Dialogue gives the viewers a vital idea of decisions made by Aibileen. Dialogue is crucial because it provides us with tension and suspense to what is going to happen. Aibileen from the beginning in scene one knew she would become a maid. She saws â€Å"my mama was a maid; my grandmamma was a house slave†. Back in 1960’s in Jackson, Mississippi the blacks ever want was fair treatment towards their society. Skeeter is used by Tate Taylor to provide the viewers the perspective of Aibileen as a black house maid. For many, blacks are afraid to stand up for what they believe in but Aibileen says to Hilly â€Å"All you do scare and lie to dry and get what you want: Hilly is used by the director to be the antagonist of the film and this quote by Aibileen shows the tension and anger that was bottled up inside Aibileen. â€Å"I aint never had no white person in my house† shows the contrast between both the white and the black society. Dialogue is very crucial for communication which allows the viewers to understand and critically know the situation in the film â€Å"The Help†. At the last scene of the film Hilly persuades Elizabeth to fire Aibileen as her housemaid. The quotes â€Å"My boy Trelaw said we gonna have a writer in the family on day, I guess it’s gonna be me† This establishes the struggles of Aibileen and portrays the idea that maybe one day she could retell the painful she experience she encountered as a housemaid. Dialogues show many views and angles and establish conflict and tension to effectively show a critical issue between Aibileen and the white society that surrounds her. In conclusion: Racism is an issue that still happens to this very day and is  something most people all have witnessed. Like the Film â€Å"The Help† racism has a big influence on people in our society we live in today and through dialogue and camera techniques, Tate Taylor uses it effectively to help communicate the struggles of Aibileen as an individual but with support and faith she overcomes the obstacles that society throws at her.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Positive Verbal Communication Analysis

Positive Verbal Communication Analysis What are some things you can do as a customer service professional to project a positive image to the customer? First, think carefully about the words you choose in front of them. Use customer-friendly words. Avoid acronyms and industry-specific language. Youll never impress the customer with how smart you are if you make them feel dumb. Second, consciously choose your tone of voice. You may say the right words and say it in a way that communicates something entirely different. How many husbands have asked their wives, Honey, is there anything wrong? And the wife says, Nothing! And the husband gets in trouble because he believed her! Make sure your tone is professional and pleasant. Is that hard? Yes! At the end of your shift when you have a headache, when youve just been bawled out by an angry customer, when youve just had a run-in with your boss all these situations make it difficult to treat the next person with respect and courtesy; however, thats your job. If you want to keep customers coming back and telling their friends, youve got to treat them right. The third thing you can do to create a positive image is to be aware of your body language. How you are standing or sitting can communicate a loud message. If you have a face-to-face business, you must put some thought into your appearance. You always want to appear clean and neat. Im not talking about how expensive your clothes are or are not, but are they clean? Ironed? Do they fit? All these things speak loudly to the customer. After all, if you dont care enough to present yourself well, the customer wonders if you care enough to do the job well. What element(s) of the do you believe are the most important in a customer service environment? Explain Two way communications involves the sender and the receive who each contribute to the communication process. Part of the process is declining which is the best channel to ensure clear message delivery. What are some strategies to use in order to avoid words or phrases that will negatively affect your relationship with your customer? While we seek to communicate effectively, there are often distorted perceptions of what we view as truth or right. As a result of these colored reality, conflict often result. A continuation of this miscommunication is likely to create a downward spiral of increased tension. You have probably heard the term passive aggressive and did not know what it meant. You are probably familiar with the terms passive and aggressive. These are three communication styles that should be eliminated if you are to communicate effectively with other individuals. Aggressive communication can be described as follows: -Shouting -Using intimidation or threats -Underlying violence -Talking down to people in a disrespectful manner -Being very controlling -Saying rude and hurtful things to people under the guise of being blunt -Name calling -Offensive behavior Do you exhibit any of these signs of aggressive behavior? If so, you probably have found that it has gotten you into quite a few fights, maybe even some physical altercations. You are a walking time bomb who always seems to be able to go off. There is nothing wrong with being assertive in making sure that your needs are met. There is something wrong if you are hurting other people in your quest to do this. People who exhibit aggressive style behavior are usually bullies. They often will resort to talking to people in this manner at stores and places where employees are trained not to talk back. It gives them a false sense of superiority and makes others feel bad. To say that this communication style is ineffective is an understatement. It is toxic. And sooner or later, it will cause negative effects in your life. No matter how much of a bully you are, and how aggressive, there is always someone who is a bit tougher. Continue this type of behavior and be prepared to have very few friends, move around from different jobs all of the time and have problems in your personal life as well as with the criminal justice system. Have problems in your personal life as well as with the criminal justice system. Passive behavior is almost as destructive as aggressive behavior. You never know what a passive person is thinking, but they are usually seething on the inside about something. Because they are so stifled in their emotional range, they will not let anything out for others to see. Somewhere in their lifetime, they were told that it was not okay to display any of their feelings nor have any value to their feelings. They simply allow people to walk all over them. When the passive person has had enough of the conflict, they will just take off. You have heard about passive people before. Surely you know someone who knows someone who has had a father or mother just take off without explanation. Chances are that the conflict they were experiencing was developing for some time. But because they did not know how to address the conflict, it never came out. Until the day that they decided to take off and leave. Passive behavior is destructive in that it does not allow someone to communicate their thoughts and feelings in an effective manner. In fact, it does not allow them to communicate their feelings at all. This is almost as alienating as being aggressive. People who are extremely passive usually have a very low self esteem and simply do not feel that their needs are worth fighting for. Until they get to the point where the conflict builds up and they just escape. In many cases, a person who is very passive may not escape physically from the conflict, but in their own mind. They may appear distant to others. This is because they have found it more comforting to slip into a dream world where the conflict does not exist. Passive Aggressive A person who is passive aggressive has deep rooted anger issues but will not address them. Instead, they will act out in other manners that are destructive. They usually have a problem with being told what to do by authority figures and are generally very negative individuals. Being passive-aggressive is considered as having traits that are reflective of having a personality disorder. A person who has been diagnosed with a personality disorder needs a more than conflict coaching, although this is a step in the right direction. Signs that someone is passive aggressive include: -Harboring resentment and underlying seething; -Communicating through indirect means by using children, messengers or e-mails to get their message to the individual who is causing the conflict; -Negative self image and image of others around him or her; -Angry all of the time but inability to express it appropriately. The person may resort to hurting animals or other pets; -Making snide remarks or giving backhanded compliments to people. Someone who is passive aggressive can use a good dose of therapy to get to the root of his or her negative self image. Their negative self image does not only affect them, but others around them. Normally, someone who is passive aggressive learns this behavior in childhood. Chances are that there is a parent who also suffered with this issue. If you have one of these communication styles, you will want to do something to overcome it and be able to communicate more effectively. What are some of the tips outlined in this chapter for ensuring effective customer interactions? Responsible for ensuring that a meaningful exchange of information takes place. By accepting this responsibility. You can perform your job more efficiently. Generate goodwill and customer loyalty for the organization. Provide service excellence. What is feedback? Your feedback could affect the relationship you have or are building with your customers. The effect may be positive or negative, depending on the content and delivery. Verbal feedback Nonverbal feedback Body language Actions Appearances How can verbal feedback affect customer encounters? Give some examples of nonverbal feedback and explain how they can affect customer interactions? List at least five tips for providing positive feedback. Giving positive feedback is one of the more enjoyable tasks in the workplace. From the most senior to most junior, regular appropriate praise can enhance job satisfaction and boost motivation. Build Trust Contrast Focus on Improvements Use Examples Give Positive Feedback SCENARIOS: You are a customer service professional in a dry cleaners shop. A customer who has been coming for years stops by with a silk shirt that has a stain that, according to him, was not there before the most recent dry cleaning. He is upset because the garment is expensive and was to have been damaged to a class reunion yesterday. As we try to dry our customer clothes as superior as we can do. But we are also human beings all the things we cant do properly. Since he complains about the shirt stain and he spoil the class reunion yesterday, we ask thousand apologies from him, and we try to get that kind of shirt for him. So he may have a good confident about our shop. You are a member service representative in an automobile club that provides maps, trip information, towing and travel service, and a variety of travel-related products. A member has supported by to find out whether she can get a replacement membership card and assistance in planning an upcoming vacation. As u knows our business is giving service to customers. We always try to keep a good relationship with our customer. We happily help our customer difficulties because they are our future without them we cant grow up. Since she is our customer and we want give a replacement membership because if we dont do that now we know we will lose one customer, for us each and every customer is important. So we will be always want keep in touch with customer. You are a counter clerk in a fast-food restaurant. It is lunchtime, and the restaurant is full of patrons. As you are taking an order form a customer, a second customer steps to the front of the line, interrupts the first customer, and demands a replacement sandwich because the one she received is not what she ordered. If he is interrupting it is better to solve his problem first, and for second one can give a nice smile and get an excuse and can talk the first one and can ask for apologies for bringing wrong one, and can tell to him that we will try our best not to repeat this again. So the problem will be solve charm and satisfactorily. As a clerk in a local video rental store, you see many of the same patrons regularly and have a fairly good relationship with many of them. Once of the regular customers has just come in to rent a video but is not sure what he wants. You must determine his needs and properly assist him. Be sure to ask probing, open-ended questions, phrased positively, to help you get the information you need. If he is a regular customer, we can understand his feeling and his taste. So when he come to store we can ask question like, how was the last film that your brought? And can tell you always take this kind of thing so you like this and that. And can give our feeling about that and can tell like that other good one also there. So he will tell his feeling about that and tell again what he wants. CRITICAL THINKING QUESTIONS Since you dont have a relationship with Sylvia, what will you do to get off to a solid start during your visit? Try to meet her and create a relation with Sylvia. Observe her perfectly. Respect her and her ideas. Watch her expirations carefully, ask about her needs and wants. How should you approach Sylvia verbally and nonverbally? Take with her warmly and sincerely. Try to build a foundation to trust on her mind. What strategies among the ones discussed in this chapter can you use to find out where you and LKM stand in Sylvias mind?

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Automatic Fire Sprinkler System Essay -- Sprinklers History Technology

The automatic fire sprinkler system was one of the earliest sprinkler systems placed into effect. The origin of the modern day automatic sprinkler system dates back to the early 1800’s. The first automatic sprinkler system was created in England in the 1806 by John Carey. It consisted of a pipe with valves held closed by counterweights attached by string. When flames burned through the string the counterweight dropped to the floor, which opened the valve that released the water and extinguished the fire. As the 1800’s progressed, the basic pipe system for sprinklers was becoming more prevalent across England. It began to pop up in textile mills all through out the country. In 1864, as sprinkler system use grew, Major Stewart Harrison of the 1st Engineer (London) Volunteers invented the first automatic sprinkler head. A few years later two gentlemen by the names of Henry Parmelee of Newhaven, Connecticut, and Frederick Grinnell of Providence, Rhode Island, added to the s prinkler head to give it a more practical application. Parmelee took the automatic sprinkler head and added to it a fusible link that broke at about 160oF. This allowed the system to control which heads broke so the whole system wouldn’t drown the whole structure in water, it would only release where there was sufficient heat to break a head. Grinnell invented a head that could withstand higher water pressures without break as well as distribute water more evenly. Each of these inventions increased the efficiency of the systems greatly. Now in today’s modern fire protection era, automatic sprinkler systems are used to protect everyday buildings around the world. It is most commonly in commercial use buildings. This includes but is not limited to schools, hospitals, ... ...dards and codes such as the NFPA or OSHA’s codes and standards. The automatic sprinkler system is the oldest and most widely utilized system in effect today. Through simple application of water onto a fire before it can grow it has saved countless lives and saved countless amounts of money in property and business. As its use grows in the commercial setting, it has also begun to grow in the residential setting. There are few areas that require automatic sprinkler systems in residential homes, but as they are proven to be safe, affordable, and effective, this will rapidly change. It will not be long before there is an automatic sprinkler system in every business as well as home. Works Cited

Friday, October 11, 2019

Christmas The Very Word Brings Joy Essay

Variety is the spice of life. Life without feasts and celebrations is charm less and lifeless. So is true in case of school life. Without functions and celebrations school life becomes monotonous and uninteresting. Therefore, almost all the schools have certain annual functions such as, Annual Sport Where excellence is a habit So lets enjoy the stage breaking performance. School fete is one event students eagerly wait.. A very good Morning & Merry Christmas and welcome to one and all present here to join this eve, for join us. Kids, ladies and gentleman. We are feeling nice to meet you and see you on this holy occasion. We hope and assure that you will also feel nice in this musical and joyful atmosphere. So you are most welcome again. Enjoy all the joyful moments and sweet and soft music to make the moments unforgettable. Band is going to start this cheerful evening with holy and religious music. This occasion is very special to all of us so first some blessing prayers. After that for your guest of honor, for your welcome the band will present some cultural folk songs and dances. I am sure you all will completely lost in the heaven of musical feel and colour yourself in the colour of this incredible Christmas eve. To make this day memorable, joyful and cheerful a musical atmosphere created here. games stalls, many stalls of eatables n different kinds of rides have been arranged 2 mk dis day d most special one for u†¦ To make you energetic there are arrangements of snacks and soft drinks†¦ END :- At the end I would like 2 thank all the guests for making every single moment of dis fete d unforgettable and memorable one wid ur presence.. We hope you all enjoyed this beautiful day. Thanks for joining us and once again merry Christmas and happy New Year to one and all. May Jesus makes all your wishes come true†¦ thank you everyone thanks a lot†¦ Christmas is my favorite time of year. As a child, I loved the lights, the Christmas tree, the presents 🙂 As an adult, I still love the lights, the  music and the decorations†¦ The sky was dotted with a few fluffy clouds that looked like candy floss. All praise be to God for such a celestial and symphonious evening. An evening full of allure and amazement.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Learning Journal Having An Interest In Psychology Education Essay

At the start of educational psychological science 2102 this pupil references in their acquisition diary holding an involvement in psychological science and the many countries it is used. However, they felt discerning about their ability to absorb and understand the huge sum of cognition that would be delivered to them over the following 13 hebdomads. In the pupils first few diaries it is evident that clip direction and the huge sum of survey they have to accomplish each hebdomad is a concern to them. After reading all of the pupil ‘s diaries and analyzing their questionnaire consequences, it is evident this pupil is besides holding jobs with self-motivation and self-efficacy during the completion of single appraisal undertakings and the idea of tests. These types of jobs can impede the abilities of pupils to finish and bring forth quality assignments on clip. Besides these types of behaviours can hold unwanted affects such as emphasis and sleepless darks. Excessively much empha sis can hold an consequence on the ability of the scholar to retain information and remember it clearly when it is needed. Aforesaid pupil does place holding jobs treating new information and besides feels without any pier cognition of certain subjects they are unable to hive away this information in their long term memory. In one of the pupil ‘s diaries they identify a specific nexus to their memory dry run pattern ( care ) and understand how this pattern is unequal at traveling freshly learnt information from working memory to long term memory. Although this is non reflected in the pupil ‘s questionnaire consequences, it would look this pupil is fighting with their cognitive ability. The pupil admits being easy distracted, nevertheless has jobs cognizing when their concatenation of idea is broken and how to develop and utilize fix schemes to maintain the acquisition procedure traveling. Said pupil has many positive properties that will assist them come on as a scholar, by besides turn toing their failings utilizing the right theories and patterns they will go more adept and happen larning more gratifying and be on their journey to self-actualisation. This pupil like many others has a job with clip direction. The pupil recognises the demand to structuring their survey clip so they can finish readings and assessment undertakings on clip. Research by Snowman, Dobozy, Scevak, Bryer, Bartlett and Biehler ( 2009 ) into self-regulatory accomplishments found that inadequately regulated academic behaviors can hold durable damaging effects on pupil results such as, lower than mean classs and decreased chances for deriving professional makings and employment subsequently in life. To get the better of this job the pupil downloaded the semester planing machine from chalkboard and allocated clip for each capable country and interruptions on completion of readings and parts of appraisal undertakings. Snowman et Al. ( 2009 ) besides recognised that self-denial and self-regulation are indispensable to accomplishing higher degree of academic accomplishment and that some pupils are better at geting these accomplishments than others. Snowman besides acknowledged the properties that are closely associated to and best explain fluctuations in self-regulation are perceived self-efficacy and self-motivation. Self-motivation is a important portion of being a proficient scholar, without it the scholar will fight with assessment undertakings and tests and are apt to neglect. Missing self-motivation can besides take to low self-pride, if this is non dealt with quickly it can gyrate out of control and have long term affects on the pupil. This pupil is cognizant of their deficiency of motive when finishing single appraisal undertakings and is diffident why this is. This is reflected in both their acquisition diary and questionnaire mark. William, Gloria and Irving ( 2003 ) suggest there are four theories when covering with student motive during undertaking completion. Their desire to take one undertaking over another, the degree of finding with undertaking even when faced with trouble or fatigue, the accomplishment and class class and the most powerful being the pupil ‘s personal features and beliefs. The pupil needs to hold an involvement in the undertaking and topographic point a value on its completion to keep motive. By analyzing the above theories and the pupils graphed questionnaire consequences it would look this pupil ‘s deficiency of self-motivation is caused by their perceptual experience of themself to make will in appraisal undertakings and their contemplation on past failures, which would associate to a theory termed erudite weakness. Learned weakness theory would explicate to some grade why this pupil lacks motive when finishing appraisal undertakings, harmonizing to this theory failure or lower than expected classs in anterior appraisals destabilises the pupil ‘s motive to try future undertakings. This can besides impact the pupil ‘s ability to execute in group work appraisal, the ground for this is a theory termed self-esteem protection. Self-esteem protection theory is based on the impression that the pupil does n't use themselves in group work in fright of being labelled as holding hapless rational accomplishments ( Witkowski & A ; Stiensmeier-Pelster, 1998 ) . However the pupils score in respects to group work is high and they admit they are more motivated in this type of larning environment. After researching the causes behind hapless motive accomplishments, it is evident that self-efficacy is a chief subscriber to self-motivation. Some facets of the pupil ‘s self-efficacy and self-regulation are apparent in their questionnaire consequences such as, general self-efficacy 2.3 and trouble devising determinations 3. However some of their other consequences do n't reflect the self-motivation jobs they have such as, cognition of knowledge 3.7 and a deep attack to larning 4.7. By construing these consequences one would state this pupil is cognizant of their abilities to be a adept scholar, but possibly unaware of how to use these abilities affectively. Their consequences indicate that they have a deep attack to analyze procedures. Butler ‘s ( 2002 ) research recognised that efficient self-regulated scholars decide on, adjust and may even make tactical schemes to finish assessment undertakings. Self-regulated scholars besides analysis feedback and Markss given by instructors on old appraisals. They use this information and remarks from equals to measure their ain public presentation and do accommodation co nsequently. Besides they appear to be comfy with disrupting the new information they are reading and can associate to it. cognition of knowledge By measuring Butler ‘s research in respects to the pupil ‘s questionnaire mark about Need for Approval High mark indicates turning away of undertakings where external blessing is at hazard, Unable to take aid Fear of exposure if external aid sought. This is because, during monitoring, pupils generate judgements about advancement and do determinations that form farther larning activities. Therefore, to advance pupil self-regulation instructors must help pupils to prosecute flexibly and adaptively in a rhythm of cognitive activities ( i.e. , undertaking analysis, scheme choice and usage, and self-monitoring ) . Further, cardinal instructional marks include advancing pupils ‘ building of ( a ) metacognitive cognition about academic work, ( B ) schemes for analysing undertakings, ( degree Celsius ) metacognitive cognition about task-specific schemes ( e.g. , for pull offing work, history studies, reading text editions, composing paragraphs, larning math ) , ( vitamin D ) skills for implementing schemes, and ( vitamin E ) schemes for selfmonitoring and strategic usage of feedback.

Breakfast Club Analysis

Ask anyone who was a teenager during the 80s who John Hughes is, they’ll start reciting every movie he has been involved in. He has dabbled in writing, directing and even producing. He will forever be remembered as an icon of the 80s. John Hughes was a writer for National Lampoon magazine in 1979. He was inspired by the success of â€Å"National Lampoon’s Animal House†, written by an associate of National Lampoon Magazine Harold Ramis, Mr. Hughes took a shot at screenwriting. National Lampoon’s Class Reunion, National Lampoon’s Vacation and Mr. Mom were his first screenwriting credits. These films allowed him to direct his first feature film, â€Å"Sixteen Candles†. His films such as â€Å"Weird Science†, †Pretty In Pink† and â€Å"Ferris Bueller’s Day Off† helped him become synonymous with â€Å"teen movies†. He focused on middle class life, which helped his films to be believable and interesting. He portrayed teens in a way that was relatable to his audience. According to Hollywood insiders, if a movie was to be made depicting teenagers and their emotions, John Hughes was the man to create it. Nowhere is this more evident than in â€Å"The Breakfast Club†. Hughes portrayed his characters in five types: the brain, the jock, the princess, the misfit and the criminal. Everyone who has seen this movie can see themselves in one of these characters. I fell somewhere between the jock and the brain. At the beginning of the movie, the characters had little interaction, unless it was hurling insults at each other. Cliques just don’t mix, and they felt like there wasn’t any common ground between them. Then Brian (themisfit), Andrew (the jock), Clare (the princess), Allison (the misfit) and John (the criminal) are forced to spend detention together on a Saturday Morning. That’s when things start to get interesting. During the course of the movie, the characters spend time talking and relating to one another. Each one feels different and alienated. In their own worlds, they have been neglected, abused, bullied, or even ignored by both their families and their other friends. Throughout the movie they realize that although they may seem completely different on the outside, on the inside they are all experiencing the same things. Although this movie is twenty plus years old, the themes of commonality is still true today. It speaks directly to young people. Kids/Students are still trying to find their way and fit in. The character’s of â€Å"The Breakfast Club† makes the audience think, learn, and grow. The film shows that people are wasting time hating someone they don’t know. It shows that if you take time to get to know someone, you may find they are more like you than you thought. You may find empathy for them, and you may find you can learn from them. You may even find that you like them. A reviewer at Reel. com called the movie â€Å"almost quaint in its depiction of disaffected high school students. That is true; parts of the movie is dated. If it was made today, Clare would have a baby. John would have done time for gang activity. Andrew, the jock would be on steroids. Brian and the kid who was beat up by Andrew would have formed the Trench Coat Mafia, and the flare gun in the locker would have been an assault rifle. Allison would not have even made it into the movie beca use she would have hung herself in her bedroom closet waiting to be discovered. Later â€Å"teen flicks† adjusted to the growing sophistication of teenage sensibility. This movie had a message of tolerance, acceptance, and understanding. The Breakfast Club continues to be a classic because the issues presented in the movie about social class and acceptance remains hot topics for high school students. Although the movie is funny, it handles teenage issues with a bit of maturity. The set the standard for other teenage movies. It has made such an impact that MTV honored it with a Silver Bucket of Excellence award. The cultural significance of the movie can also be seen in the recent JC Penny commercial.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

International trade theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International trade theory - Essay Example Economists beginning from the age of Adam Smith nevertheless, have vehemently refuted this theory and established the concept of comparative advantage which could arise only when the scope of international trade is open. Comparative advantage theory which is widely followed today states that factors of production are not available uniformly around the world. It is wise for a nation not to invest in producing all its needs; rather it could specialise in the production of the good which could be produced most efficiently and at the cheapest rates (Peng, 2008, p. 127). This is the innate strategy being followed by most successful nations in the world today. Hence, it could be claimed that mercantilism is a bankrupt theory that has no place in the modern world. Answer to Question 2 Free trade is an economic phenomenon which supports an unbarred flow of goods and services across international boundaries. Since there is no government intervention in this case, the actual demand and supply positions of the commodity in question is reflected through its market price. Since there are no mark ups to prices, such a policy is advantageous for the producers as well as consumers of the concerned commodity. However, government intervention could be regarded as necessary in case of certain exhaustible resources whose supply needs to be rationed to guarantee future consumption as well. Such a restriction cannot be imposed in situations where free trade exists. A good example is that of oil prices which had been at pretty low rates prior to 1971, when these values were guided by market mechanism. However, concerns about the precious resources being replenished compelled the World Trade Organisation to sanction its restrictive use. Answer to Question 3 There has been an increasing tendency among developed nations to assume a protectionist position in many aspects of international trade. Many of them who had previously sought the services of less developed or emerging nations to c ater to the needs of their residents, have turned dead against such a strategy, posing a view that such a mindset could hamper employment opportunities in the recipient nation. They have termed it as â€Å"unfair† import competition due to the potential loss of jobs that such practice is leading to. Such a standpoint however has differentiated impacts upon various sections of the recipient nation. (a) It might be of high interest for the union houses who often adopt practices to apparently pacify the workers and show them the former’s alignment to them. (b) The people who are represented by the unions might be benefitted if the national government adopts such policies, since in the short run, they would be rewarded with higher employment opportunities. (c) The nation however, is likely to land up in a worse situation since they have to subsidise the companies which adhered to such practices. Even if they decide not to fund their needs, they would be in an inferior posi tion given that the companies no longer reap as wide a profit margin as before which reduces the national income statistics. Answer to Question 4 A free-trade regime had been supported by Ricardian economic theory after David Ricardo pointed out the scope of comparative advantage that partner

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Companies must develop effective Crisis Communication techniques to Essay

Companies must develop effective Crisis Communication techniques to respond to problems or dangers - Essay Example Crises Communication is considered as the sub speciality of the profession related to public relation designed for defending or protecting an organization from facing any kind of public challenge associated with its reputation (Greenberg and Elliott, 2009). The challenges may arise in the form of any criminal allegation, investigation or inquiry from the government agency, any sort of media inquiry, violation of rules and regulations associated with the environmental conditions etc. In today’s world of social media, it is certain that every company will face crisis. The question is when the crisis is going to take place. The combined effort of millions of common people playing the role of ‘citizen journalists’ along with infinite number of different online platforms guarantees the organizations that they would be victimized by someone, by means of spreading damaging message, which are often rumours. If somehow those rumours are found to be true then the companies can be put to defensive corner before they can gather relevant evidences in their own favour. When there is an emergency, then it becomes very important for the organizations to communicate. ... Thus, the most important component in this situation is to prepare for the crisis communication plan, which would enable the organization to clearly communicate to the internal as well as external stakeholders. The organizations should be able to respond accurately, promptly and confidently in such a case of an emergency. The audiences must be reached by these organizations suffering due to crisis for satisfying them with the information that they require. The image and reputation of the organizations can have a positive or negative impact based on the public perception related to this crisis. Thus, in order to face this crisis situation and maintain its reputation it becomes very important for the organizations to plan for an effective crisis communication strategy which would enable them to satisfy the customers, employees and other stakeholders with sufficient justification for the incident. Understanding the audiences properly is very important for the organizations suffering fro m crisis situation. It helps in reaching to these audiences with the most effective communication plan which would satisfy them. There exist many potential audiences who want information at the crisis situation and also after its occurrence. The main challenge that remains for the organization is identifying these potential audiences, determining their needs for the information and then identifying that whether the organization is able to communicate and explain to these audiences. The potential audiences for the organizations include customers; employees; news media; community; the management, investors and directors of the company, government officials etc. The organizations find that public importance is highly significant with advancement of technology and public

Monday, October 7, 2019

Graffiti Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Graffiti - Essay Example Many consider graffiti as an art while others classify it as vandalism or degradation of environment. Graffiti is a broad term and encompasses all inscriptions or drawings produced hastily by using spray cans on a wall or other surface. Graffiti is also defined as a composition of pictures or words sprayed on a wall. The word graffiti is derived from an Italian word â€Å"groffitia† meaning â€Å"scribbling† or â€Å"inscriptions made on wax tablets using a stylus†. Graffiti has been used since prehistoric times to preserve or record signifying an individual’s existence by scribbling or scratching on an enduring medium. A study of history of graffiti reveals that from Neolithic period onwards, it was a common practice for nomads to leave marks in the form of scratches or inscriptions on rocks, signifying survival and success. During the Age of Enlightenment, graffiti was used by French prisoners to express their thoughts on the imminent rebellion. Moreover , during the golden age of French literature, many famous French authors mentioned graffiti in their work. Brassai, a French photographer, produced a famous photograph essay on graffiti in 1933. Graffiti was used as a weapon by the Nazis during the Second World War. Throughout the War, Nazis scribbled hate filled words and phrases against the enemies of the Third Reich on the walls of urban buildings. Graffiti was extensively used by students and labors throughout Europe during the unrest of 1960s and 1970s. (PEREIRA, S. 2005). Graffiti is of many types. Some of the important ones are as follows: i. Gang graffiti: The graffiti used by gangs to mark their territories and to convey threats to their opponents or trespassers. ii. Tagger graffiti: This type of graffiti is composed of either high volume simple hits or highly complicated art which is inscribed on streets. iii. Conventional graffiti: Conventional graffiti is almost always associated with â€Å"youthful experience† an d is mostly isolated. In addition, conventional graffiti is often spontaneous and therefore it is not associated with other crimes and disorders. iv. Ideological graffiti: Ideological graffiti is also known as hate or political graffiti and serves as a means of conveying political, racial, religious or ethnic messages. Factors associated with Graffiti: Many individuals associate the presence of graffiti with government’s failure to ensure safety of citizens and punish lawbreakers. Excruciating amounts of money are utilized by the government to remove graffiti each year. In the United States of America, approximately $12 billion are spent each year to clear graffiti. The problem of graffiti is not an isolated one and is therefore associated with other environmental crimes and disorders. (HAGAN, F. E. 2008). In most cases the following disorders are often associated with graffiti: i. Public disorders: As stated earlier, Graffiti is not an isolated problem, it is rather a proble m associated with various other crimes and disorders. One such disorder is public disorder which includes loitering, littering and urination in public areas. ii. Shoplifting: Shoplifting of materials used in graffiti is a common crime in areas where graffiti is widespread. iii. Gang violence: Gangs commonly use gang graffiti to convey threats of violence in order to mark their territories and threaten citizens. iv. Property destruction: Graffiti is often related to the destruction of property such as broken windows and slashed train and bus seats. (HAGAN, F. E. 2008). Envirocrime and Graffiti: Envirocrime is a broad term and encompasses a wide variety of disorders such as littering, fly posting, fly tipping and graffiti. Envirocrimes affects the whole community and renders the attractiveness of local environment. The effects of envirocrimes on a community are devastating and such crimes not only reduce the quality of life but also lower tourist attraction. Graffiti is applied and st reets are littered by a small number of individuals but such activities affect all the